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Version 4.x > Installation and deployment > Securing/Changing CMSDesk path View modes: 
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Member - 10/26/2009 10:32:14 AM
Securing/Changing CMSDesk path
Hi all,

We intend to deploy kentico to the live server with limited access to CMSDesk for a moderator.

Does anybody have any experience/advice on deploying the CMSDesk to a live server.

Is there anyway to change the folder name or path to 'CMSDesk'?
Is there a way to apply additional security to the CMSDesk folder? For example, the main site uses forms security, is there a way to apply windows security to just the CMSDesk folder?

Many thanks for your time.

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Member - 10/26/2009 11:31:25 AM
RE:Securing/Changing CMSDesk path
I've managed to lock down using authorization in the web.config:
<location path="CMSDesk">
<allow roles="CMSDeskAdmin"/>
<deny users="*"/>

<deny users="?"/>

Which resolves this issue.

I'd be interested to know if it is possible to change/alias the CMSDesk path though?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/2/2009 3:14:13 AM
RE:Securing/Changing CMSDesk path

regrettably, we do not support the possibility of CMSDesk moving. However, you could move or rename the CMSDesk folder and
1. ensure the handle code in Global.asax.cs (redirect all URLs containing CMSDesk to new location) or
2. replace all hard-coded URLs in CMSDesk folder containing “CMSDesk” substring by the new location.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova