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Version 4.x > Installation and deployment > Cultures - Best Approach? View modes: 
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danielrichard-oaot - 2/24/2009 11:10:43 AM
Cultures - Best Approach?
This falls more under a "Development" category, but I'm setting up my site for multilingual. I have all the content pages and repeaters working well. I just upgraded to 4.0.

The part I'm trying to find the best approach for is my header and footer. There's some tagline text, phone number and footer links that are 'hard-coded' in my master page (using ASPX, not portal engine).

I'd like to have other language versions for the header and footer (which remain the same throughout the entire site) without converting these to editable regions and including them on all the pages within my site, etc. This would be a nightmare to maintain if the info changed.

I was thinking of reading the cookie the culture sets and then choosing an appropriate include file or master page depending on the language they have set. But I'm not sure this is the best approach or even how to go about it really.

Any experiences/advice would be helpful!