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Darren - 4/2/2009 3:51:51 AM
Installing from Marketplace
I downloaded the RSS reader from the marketplace and followed the instructions to import it into the CMS which seemed to work fine, but the webpart is nowhere to be seen. I've searched the whole of the web parts section and it's not in there!

Any ideas on how I can make this appear?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 4/2/2009 7:04:06 AM
RE:Installing from Marketplace
Hi Darren,
RSS reader webpart should be accessible in Listings and Viewers category.
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec.

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Darren - 4/2/2009 7:15:03 AM
RE:Installing from Marketplace
No it was definately not in there.

Not sure what happened but I've just run the import again and now it's appeared, so problem solved.

Thanks Zbysek.

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masonc-fayobserver - 4/2/2009 8:02:01 PM
RE:Installing from Marketplace

I need the RSS reader for version 3.1a. Can it be modified to work in version 3. During the import I get the message it is for ver. 4 and not ver. 3.1a. Any help is much appreciated.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/7/2009 1:38:43 AM
RE:Installing from Marketplace

I am afraid but this won't be possible in the near future. The "addons" in market place were developed in the spare time which was after the 4.0 release. But now, we are busy with the new version development again. The options are that you will modify it by yourself or that you will upgrade to 4.0 version (recommended).

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus