Since this still hasn't been implemented we created some JS which might help others. (Using jQuery)
the code is for the front of the site where your bizForm will display .
<script>AAI.addAsterisk = function(containerid) {
var labels = $(containerid).find('label');
for (var i = labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (labels.innerHTML.indexOf('*') > 0) {
var thisLabel = labels,
labelHtml = $(thisLabel).html();
labelHtml = labelHtml.replace('*','');
$(thisLabel).html(labelHtml + ' <span class="fieldRequired">*</span>');
if ($('#jq_form_div').length > 0) {
You pass it an element ID (to limit the DOM search for the label HTML) in the example above we have "#jq_form_div" as an id around our form.
The JS code searches for <label> and if an Asterisk character is present in the Label text, if it is, it removes the asterisks and adds the html string <span class="fieldRequired">*</span> to the end of the label text, so we can style it a bit better.
This might help others.