I fiddled a bit around and at least it doesn't give me an syntax error anymore when opening the website, but I now get an "You are not allowed to see media library content. Berechtigung'libraryaccess' vorausgesetzt".
Security settings for this folder are currently set to all users have all rights
Altough I am logged in as administrator.
Maybe you could evaluate my implementation ?:
I inserted this into the "head" of the aspx - file:
<%@ Register src="../../../CMSWebParts/MediaLibrary/MediaFileDataSource.ascx" tagname="dspricearchive" tagprefix="uc1" %>
<%@ Register src="../../../CMSWebParts/MediaLibrary/MediaGalleryFileList.ascx" tagname="pricearchive" tagprefix="uc2" %>
and inserted the following into the content "area":
<uc1:dspricearchive ID="dspricearchive" runat="server" FileExtension=".xls" WhereCondition="FilePath LIKE N'pugpriceachrive/%'"/>
<uc2:pricearchive ID="pricearchive" runat="server" DataSourceName="dspricearchive"/>
Thanks again for your time (and patience)