Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > CMSList Menu View modes: 
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steven.jack-octopusmt - 2/23/2009 3:44:24 AM
CMSList Menu
Hello there,

A quick question about the CMS List menu, I can get it to work as I would like, apart from the text on the links themselves. I will be using images for my navigation, and would therfore like to remove the text that is put into the a href link. I usually accomplish this by wrapping the text within a <span> element in the a href and hiding it with css:

<a href="#"><span>some navigation</span></a>

but the default behaviour of the cmsListMenu only puts the text into the a href link. Is there any way I can modify this so that i can wrap the text in a span element, as I have tried looking at the settings etc and there dones't seem to be any options for it?


Steven Jack

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 3/3/2009 5:52:46 AM
RE:CMSList Menu
Hi Steven,

Please note that you can specify the image into 'Menu item image' field in 'Properties' section in order to use it instead of text. Please see http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/menu.htm for more details.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek