Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Search box -> Button image url not working View modes: 
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eagleag-yahoo - 2/18/2009 5:59:01 AM
Search box -> Button image url not working
i would like to use and image for the seach button.
I've uploaded the image to an images folder I've created.
In Search box ->Button settings -> Button image url:
I've put this text: images/btn-search.gif
the image doenst show. when I view source this is the url the imaes is supposed to be coming from:
I checked in site manager -> development -> web parts -> search box -> properties -> image url , wanted to see if there was a default url but nothing there.

How can I use which ever url I want in In Search box ->Button settings -> Button image url: ?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 2/18/2009 10:34:56 AM
RE:Search box -> Button image url not working

could you please try to set 'Button image url' property to '~/images/btn-search.gif'?

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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eagleag-yahoo - 2/18/2009 10:44:28 AM
RE:Search box -> Button image url not working
thanks it worked.
didn't try that because i thought it would take to root of installation, my bad,