Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Best Practice? View modes: 
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brian.reese-chsfl - 3/12/2009 9:00:00 AM
Best Practice?
I have a senario and need to know what the best practice would be.

I'm setting up the CMS for our external web site. I've got 14 division sections. Each division has a staff member responsible for any part of the layout that is not part of the master template. What I want to do is allow them to do pretty much whatever they think they can fit into their page between the standard header and footer.

What I plan to do is make each of these 14 people a designer and restrict them to the pages for their division. I have a standard default template they can use, but I'm going to train them to change it to an ad-hoc template. Then they can add what ever web parts they need to make their page do what they want.

I'm then planning to use the workflow feature to gain some corporate oversite of their work. I would like every change they make to trigger the approval process before their page publishes. This way, if either I or the communications specialist see something that needs to be changed, we can let them know.

Is this the way the system was intended to work? Is there a better way to give our staff the freedom to create what they want on their pages but also give the corporate office the oversite to maintain consistent quality?

The only thing that seems to be missing is a way to set permissions properties on the web parts. I'd like to develop some web parts that are for corporate office use only, or I might want to phase in an idea in one division before I roll it out company wide.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/17/2009 3:38:15 AM
RE:Best Practice?

The workflow process is not applied on the Design tab - web parts and layout. It is because on the Design tab is edited the page template and not the document.

Regarding the web parts permissions - I am afraid but I am not getting the meaning. You can set the web parts to be displayed only for authorized users - you need to set the permissions for the document and then use Check permissions setting in the web parts - http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/displaying_personalized_conten.htm.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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brian.reese-chsfl - 3/17/2009 12:38:04 PM
RE:Best Practice?
I can live with the first part. Most of the web parts they would need to use deal with "documents" anyways and the docments have workflow assigned to them.

Web parts permissions - Maybe I could call it security. I have a designer group I'll refer to as "corporate." They are responsible for standard elements of a page like the header and footer and a standard side bar. I also have a group I'll refer to as "division." I have a web part that the corporate group needs to use in the header and only the header. I don't want the "division" designers to be able to use that web part. So, I need a way to set permissions on which designers can use a particular web part in the page design.

Having said all of that, perhaps there is a better way to accomplish what I need. What I'm trying to do is give my division staff more options in the layout of their web pages but retain some corporate oversight. We need to be able to proofread their pages and make sure their desgins are going to look professional and consistent with the main web site. I was going to let them select the web parts they needed and the order they appeared on the page. I don't want to create a new layout for them everytime they want a new page. Is there a better way for them to do that?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/18/2009 10:28:33 AM
RE:Best Practice?

Unfortunately this is not possible in current version. There is no granularity in the designer permissions. The user is designer and can design the whole layout or is not designer and cannot design the layout.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus