Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Flash with Parameters View modes: 
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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 4/2/2009 9:40:56 AM
Flash with Parameters
What is the method for passing parameters to a flash (.swf) file using the "getfile" protocol?

For example, if this my URL:


How would I add the "data_file=data.xml" part into the "getfile" URL?


Thank you.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/7/2009 2:54:41 AM
RE:Flash with Parameters

You need to create the URL "manually" - e.g. in transformation you can get the document URL and you will add to it the wanted parameter in the code directly. I hope it makes sense.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus