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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > URL extensions - Page not found error View modes: 
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jwhelan-jcwhelan - 3/28/2009 7:49:25 AM
URL extensions - Page not found error
We are converting an existing website with HTML extensions to the Portal Engine but our client is very nervous they will lose a great deal of their deep link building they have done.

Am I to assume that the URL extensions allow the portal engine to display




or any other custom extension we wish?

No matter how I adjust the cmsdesk>page>properties>URL's>URL extensions> properties to ".html" I get a "Page not Found" response. Even when I adjust the ability to show the extensions in the Site Manager>Settings>Friendly URL extensions> page I get the same thing.

I would LOVE to keep the clients existing html extensions and relieve myself the grief of possible page rank drop, and the subsequent hate emails but I am doing something wrong here.

Please help!


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/30/2009 2:08:25 AM
RE:URL extensions - Page not found error

You need to also configure the IIS to handle the extenstion(s). For more details please see http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/configuration_of_custom_url_ex.htm.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jwhelan-jcwhelan - 3/30/2009 7:14:53 AM
RE:URL extensions - Page not found error

Do you mean in the IIS site configuration home configuration settings? where domain extensions are mapped for applications and actions such as "GET,HEAD,POST,TRACE" or somewhere else?

Or is it in the Web Service Extensions in IIS, if so can you give a screen shot of how we configure it?

Thank you for your help!


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jwhelan-jcwhelan - 3/30/2009 7:56:17 AM
RE:URL extensions - Page not found error
Nevermind !!!

Thank you for the link, took me a minute to figure it out, but it worked perfectly. I could not be more encouraged by this option!
