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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > GUID Filename when Redirect files to disk is checked View modes: 
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Certified Developer v6
Certified Developer v6
nortech - 4/9/2009 1:13:31 PM
GUID Filename when Redirect files to disk is checked
If Redirect files to disk is checked in Site Manager->Settings->Files (for better performance) then all files have the GUID for their filename when visitors try to download them. In order to overide this problem one has to uncheck 'Redirect files to disk' which results in less performance as stated by Kentico.

What is the difference in technical and performance terms between checking/unchecking 'Redirect files to disk'?

Is there a way to overcome the GUID filename problem and take advantage of the better performance offered by redirecting files to disk?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/21/2009 6:09:16 AM
RE:GUID Filename when Redirect files to disk is checked

technically "redirect files to disk" speeds up obtaining the files because it bypasses our GetFile.aspx script processing.

It is usable for sites with high file-based traffic and for sites that don't rely too much on SEO techniques. You could evaluate the advantage of this setting when you compare the performance in load tests for both settings (redirect files to disk on / off).

It is unfortunatelly not possible to overcome the GUID filenames, because when "redirect files to disk" is on, file metadata (name) are not loaded.

Zdenek C.