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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Newsletter custom fields View modes: 
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TammamKoujan - 3/28/2009 7:05:20 AM
Newsletter custom fields
I want to add country and mobile phone number to the newsletter

I clone the newsletter subscription web part and add custom fields (DisplayCountry, CountryText, DisplayMobile, MobileText )
then I update the ascx file and everything is okay.

my question is how to save these data into Newsletter - Subscriber system table where I add country and mobile phone fields to this table.

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TammamKoujan - 3/28/2009 7:20:23 AM
RE:Newsletter custom fields
Ok , thank you i used
sb.SetValue("SubscriberCountry", conselCountries.Value);
sb.SetValue("SubscriberMobile", txtMobile.Text);

and it is working.

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TammamKoujan - 3/28/2009 7:43:54 AM
RE:Newsletter custom fields
After Creating my custom newsletter web part it is working very well with IE but when
i open the same page using FireFox it is show the Subscibe button only!!
Any advice?

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TammamKoujan - 3/28/2009 9:17:44 AM
RE:Newsletter custom fields
oops i forget that i am already logged in as administrator so it will not display the newsletter fields.

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richard.pendergast-notatallstrange - 4/15/2009 3:11:26 AM
RE:Newsletter custom fields
This is by far the most interesting conversation I've seen someone have with themselves in a while... :)