Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Edit Value in Web Parts View modes: 
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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 4/17/2009 4:29:11 PM
Edit Value in Web Parts
How does the "Edit Value" arrow work in a Web Part Property? I cannot find anything in the documentation.

Specifically, I am thinking I should be able to do the following in the "Visible" property:

({%currentpageinfo.documentname%}=="My Title")

And this particular Web Part would only be visible on documents with the name of "My Title"

But alas, I fear I do not have the syntax correct as this does not work.

Any insights?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/21/2009 6:08:16 AM
RE:Edit Value in Web Parts

We will try to improve the documentation related to this in the next version. But the usage is simple, you need to return the value which is awaited for the field directly from the macro. In this case you need to use macro which is returning true or false, for example {%currentuser.useriseditor%}

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 4/23/2009 3:25:52 PM
RE:Edit Value in Web Parts
Thanks for the update. I, too, finally found the correct syntax in the Appendix A - Macro Expressions of the Developer's Guide.

The macro concept is a great feature. Just a little awkward at first, so perhaps a couple more examples using them in the "Edit value" dialog would be nice for the documentation.