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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Video file overlapping menus View modes: 
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mgigax-jcwhelan - 4/13/2009 8:53:26 PM
Video file overlapping menus
Trying to determine why my video files are on top of and obscuring my drop down menus. And what I can do to fix them. Example: http://iigp.jcwhelan.com/getdoc/9a9b88c4-7d76-468b-b00b-f2bc818bd207/Centrality-of-Fear.aspx

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sasdaman - 4/14/2009 5:15:19 AM
RE:Video file overlapping menus
This is most lilkely a design/layout issue. Try looking at your CSS code and see if you can play with the z-index property to effectively have the menus overlap the media content.


Sahus Pilwal

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mgigax-jcwhelan - 4/14/2009 7:46:47 PM
RE:Video file overlapping menus
We have tried the Z-index and it works for all content on the page except the videos. The videos still play over top of the menus.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/28/2009 10:15:01 AM
RE:Video file overlapping menus

have you already resolved the issue? It seems the video is fine in your page. I don't see any overlapping.

Zdenek C.

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mgigax-jcwhelan - 4/28/2009 6:45:16 PM
RE:Video file overlapping menus
Problem is still there. However, I moved the videos to the right column on the page and the menus over on that side do no overlap the videos -- there are no drop down menus on that side.
I've done some research andd this is a common problem. Video is always displayed on top regardless of z-index. Flash video works if you assign it transparency. I have not found any other solution. We are OK until the site grows and we need drop down menus on the right side.