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anil.thanga-gmail - 4/28/2009 2:41:22 AM
ECommerce Registration check problem
During the checkout process I am not able to proceed at registration check. Even if i fill the first name, last name and email it is not going to next step.

I have one doubt about live site option which comes at CMS Desk -> Tools -> ECommerce -> Configuration -> store settings -> checkout process -> Show on live site.
Does this mean my site should be in live server?
right now i am working locally. Is this the reason for not proceeding in the checkout process?
I am using the default checkout process only.

Please help on this.
My site name: http://localhost/KenticoCMSSample/CMSDesk/default.aspx

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/28/2009 11:01:00 AM
RE:ECommerce Registration check problem

with the "live site" term is meant the site outside administration interface - e.g. it is http://localhost/KenticoCMSSample/ in your case.
"Show on live site" means it will be shown not only in administration (CMSDesk) but also on the live site.

As for the cause of the problem with registration -- are you using customer credentials or site user credentials? Please see

Hope this helps to identify the problem..

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anil.thanga-gmail - 4/29/2009 1:58:06 AM
RE:ECommerce Registration check problem
problem not solved.

I have tried with customer credentials as well as user credentials. still i am not able to proceed from "Step 2 of 6 - Registration check". my step2 is loading agian and again.

I will explain what i have done.
I have created one customer with address details and selected the Preferred payment method. And also set the password for this customer to login as a customer.

And now in the tools->ecommerce->configuration-> store settings -> checkout process -> clicked on generate default checkout process.

now i logged into the site as customer and added one product to shopping cart. it takes me to the shopping cart page with the product which i added now.
Clicked on the checkout button, now it is showing "Step 2 of 6 - Registration check" panel. Here the details firstname, lastname and email are fetched automatically so now i clicked on next button.
The problem is here it is not taking to next page. it is displaying the same page which is registration check agian and again.

Please help on this issue. I dont know if i am missing any settings.
if we are creating a user what are the roles we need to assign him?
Reply as soon as possible

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anil.thanga-gmail - 5/5/2009 12:23:19 AM
RE:ECommerce Registration check problem
I solved myself with the help of Virtual lab. It was a very small mistake which i made.
The solution is after adding the shoppingcart webpart, go to the configuration settings. There is an option called "Disable viewstate". unfortunately i made it as true. since i made viewstate false it was not maintaining the state and not proceeding to the next step.

Thanks and regards

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 5/5/2009 7:41:56 AM
RE:ECommerce Registration check problem

Thank you for the update.

Best Regards,
Boris Pocatko