Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Document_type vs. BizForm vs. Custom Form - Which approach is best? View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
kenticonewbie - 5/4/2009 10:44:13 AM
Document_type vs. BizForm vs. Custom Form - Which approach is best?
Hi there Kentico folks,

We are working on a historical web project that would require the following:

1. Each form submission will consist of:

- Submitter Information ( first name, last name). Related to the submission will be:

- A story (long text)

- Story themes

- up to 7 image uploads

- up 2 audio clips

The form will be available for the public (no membership required). Because the images may be quite large, we are likely going to resize the images before upload. Additionally, with so much information to collect, we will also likely break up the form submission into several steps (up to 3 - ie. step 1 - submitter, step 2 - story, step 3 - story media.

Once submitted, the story submission along with all of the media assets will be approved by an administrator before becoming browseable for the end public user.

Additionally, we are required to do the following:

- search by theme

- tag clouds

- sort by name, state/province, media type.

In our limited knowledge of Kentico, we are looking at the best approach in order to do this including.

1. The 'User Contribution' module to create a document_type with related materials.

It seems that with this approach we can do a multiple form, but there is no way from the public end of things to relate one main document with its child documents (i.e. the Story with the images and audio).

Additionally, it seems that all items that have been submitted will go into one place (it doesn't create the logical tree structure. - Parent Doc > John, Child Doc > Story, Child Doc > Story Image 1, Child Doc > Story Image 2 etc.)

2. BizForms - it seems that there's no way to break this out into multiple forms. One table is created, and so the form submission would have to be all one very long form.

3. Customized Form Submission - This seems like an approach that we may take, however, knowing that we would have to do a lot of custom .NET work, this would be our 'if all else fails' approach.

User Contribution Questions:

- If we were to use this approach, would our search needs be easier to reach (tag clouds, theme search)?

- How would we customize it to create the tree structure that makes sense to the administrator?

Biz Form Questions

- Can you perform a multiple submission process using this Kentico construct?

- Would full text indexing be available for Biz Forms or custom table? If we use a Biz Form would it require us to build our own search.

Custom Form Questions:
- Do you have any documentation in the API for how to create document types and the relationships between documents?

Thanks in advance for all of your help!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/13/2009 4:52:06 AM
RE:Document_type vs. BizForm vs. Custom Form - Which approach is best?

To achieve this functionality it would be better to create custom web parts. If you want to have the steps, you can create three controls with the forms you need. It will be very similar to the shopping cart - for each step is created a control, after submitting the button, you are redirected to another step. At the end, you can collect the data and use ourAPI to create the documents in the structure you want to have. Also, you can assign the tags and files to the documents using api. I hope it makes sense. Some examples of the document API using workflow.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus