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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > CMSViewer / XSLT : Get selected document View modes: 
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Emmanuel Osmont - 4/30/2009 4:59:27 AM
CMSViewer / XSLT : Get selected document

I use CMSViewer and XSLT to build a general menu for my site. It works great, but there's no way to get the current document (selected node). So I am unable to set my css class to highlight the current tab of my menu.

I tried to find a solution between these different issues :

- Use msxml:script to call C# external functions. But the scripting support needs to be enabled as XsltSettings in the XsltCompiledTransform.Load (inside the CMS.Controls.ContentProvider.Transform() function). And I don't want modify the core source of CMS.Controls assembly (and I don't however own a source licence of Kentico).

- Add a sort of "IsSelected" node in the <NewDataSet><cms.menuitem> hierarchy of the xml document (used by xslt transformation). But same problem, the function is compiled in the CMS.Controls assembly).

- Code similar CMSViewer as a webpart, but finally too redundant with the existing webpart and very difficult to maintain.

So, is there an alternative issue to get the current selected node in the XSLTList ?

Many thanks

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/13/2009 10:10:19 AM
RE:CMSViewer / XSLT : Get selected document
Hi Emmanuel,

Unfortunately, these features are not currently supported, but we will consider improving XSLT transformations in future version and implementing these features as well.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek