Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Anyway to disable the Sign in to CMS Desk or Sign in to CMS Site Manager feature? View modes: 
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daniel_1-live.com - 5/22/2009 12:12:49 AM
Anyway to disable the Sign in to CMS Desk or Sign in to CMS Site Manager feature?
As you know anyone who access our site would see the above, anyway to disable it but still allow us to logged in say if we wanna edit or insert any stuff?


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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 5/22/2009 2:55:46 PM
RE:Anyway to disable the Sign in to CMS Desk or Sign in to CMS Site Manager feature?
You can safely and completely remove the "Sign In" Web part from your templates if you do not want that feature for your Web site.

Then, the CMS Desk and CMS Site Manager would be always accessible from these two URLs:
Your editors/administrators should use these URLs when they need to make changes.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 5/25/2009 4:07:53 AM
RE:Anyway to disable the Sign in to CMS Desk or Sign in to CMS Site Manager feature?

Thanks for the reply.
However to complete the information, I think Daniel meant the static text webpart named "txtTrialInfo", which can be seen in sample Corporate Site in root/master page, zone "zoneTopInfo".

You could remove either just that webpart or the whole zoneTopInfo with the webpart.

Zdenek C.