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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Bizform - Individual Radio Buttons Linked By GroupName View modes: 
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jpk - 5/11/2009 10:36:30 AM
Bizform - Individual Radio Buttons Linked By GroupName
I would like to know if there is a way to create a series of individual radio buttons that are linked by the group name. The radio button list doesn't meet my needs because it doesn't allow you to insert other fields (such as a textbox) next to or between the radio buttons.

I am able to create a single radio button form control and insert it into a bizform, but I would like to find a way to set the group name of the radio button.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/23/2009 3:22:46 AM
RE:Bizform - Individual Radio Buttons Linked By GroupName

You could eventually create custom form control where you put whole radio button list with other fields. To store the values of these fields you can create another fields for BizForm that you set no to be displayed in public form and set values for these fields from your form control.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek