Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Caching and development View modes: 
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salichos-ibc.com - 5/8/2009 6:34:07 AM
Caching and development
Adding webparts in a page is no deterministic!
Most of the time I can see the newly added webpart after a few browser refreshes. Same thing happens when I'm deleting a webpart.
When I'm editing a webpart, most of the time the changes are not shown on next refresh.
This is a nightmare. The only thing that helps (but not always) is to reset the application or clearing the cache from SiteManager/Administration/System.

I (think) I've done everything you suggested in previous post to turn off caching.

What am I doing wrong? Am I the only one to experiance this behaviour?

This behaviour is the same for IE, FireFox, Chrome.

Thanks in advance.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/11/2009 3:45:23 PM
RE:Caching and development

It is very strange. I am working with Kentico CMS various versions for 2 years and I have not encountered this issue before. Could you please describe us your current cachine settings? Thank you.

Which web parts are not shown? The problem with cachine mostly happens by editing the CSS styles.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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salichos-ibc.com - 5/11/2009 4:23:46 PM
RE:Caching and development
In master page: Cache: No
All other pages: Cache: Inherit

Cache content (minutes): 0
Cache images (minutes): 0
Cache page info (minutes): 0

It happens with most of web parts (if not all)! For example: Datalist. I'm placing a new datalist. I set up datalist properties and I press OK.
Usally datalist is not shown. If I place another one then is shows the first one! if I refresh shows both. It is like it remembers different versions of the cached object from refresh to refresh. And it seems to be in the server because most of the time opening an other web explorer (eg IE and then Chrome) problem remains!



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/18/2009 3:51:49 AM
RE:Caching and development
Hi John,

That is very odd. What version of Kentico CMS are you using? Are you using any proxy servers between your computer and the server? Is it possible to grant us with online access to your CMS so we can see and inspect this issue?

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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salichos-ibc.com - 5/18/2009 4:16:29 AM
RE:Caching and development

I'm using kentico 4.0 + patch 02 (behaviour was the same without patch). No proxy servers in between at home. there is a proxy server in between at office. Problem is common both at home and office.

I just created an account for you. Where do you want me to mail it?

site is: www.iatrikiapeikonisi.gr

thanks for your effort,


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/21/2009 5:11:29 AM
RE:Caching and development

I will put your answer you sent me to e-mail, just for further reference.

After few days of investigation and other things, John tried to restart the SQL server and it seems to help - the problem is away. To be honest, I have no idea what and why would cause this strange behavior.

Besr Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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salichos-ibc.com - 5/29/2009 5:51:47 AM
RE:Caching and development
Sorry for getting back to you late but,

problem is back! Restarting SQL server is working but only for a few minutes to hours!!!



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/2/2009 7:47:22 AM
RE:Caching and development

It is very strange and also it seems that the problem is somewhere on the SQL server side - when the restart helps for a while. what version are you using and are there any special settings set?

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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salichos-ibc.com - 6/3/2009 5:59:26 AM
RE:Caching and development
Found it!

set IIS6->Application pool (of your application)->Performance->Web garden->Maximum Worker Processes=1 (at least at development).

It seems when more than 1 workers run and since cmsdesk uses frames and windows some updates and reads are asynchronous! So, the webpart properties window writes on database but at the same time through another worker process reads from the same DB (sometimes just before changes in DB are settled!).
So, DB has new values but cmsDesk has old ones - inconsistentcy!


for your help, knowing it wasn't the cache helped a lot.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/4/2009 9:05:36 AM
RE:Caching and development

Thank you for the information. That is the reason why it was working on my PC and our servers - we are not using web gardens. The web gardens are not officially supported as well. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I hope it will work fine now.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus