Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
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Randar Puust - 5/4/2009 4:58:36 PM
Shared content
I'm still fairly new to Kentico, so apologies if the question is obvious.

Is there a way to do “shared content”.
-For example, we would want a “Powered by Kentico” in the footer, but allow each site to change it something like “Welcome to Company XYZ”, which would be on every page. The idea of pulling text from a single location is easy…but I’m not sure how customers would edit that text. I’m guessing the answer will be “put it in the master page”
-There are other cases, such as the terminology that a site uses. For example, it might be a reservation, registration or booking. If we can reference the text on each page, but allow them to change that text, we can cascade that on a per site basis. My only thought is to create a document called “Globals” and pull it via the API. But I’m hoping this is a concept that Kentico supports in some way.

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martinh - 5/26/2009 10:32:35 AM
RE:Shared content
Hi Randar,

Yes, exactly, for the first case, you just need to place the editable text web part to the master page.

If you want to do this anywhere, per template basis, you would need to place on the template the repeater web part with specific transformation, pointing to the specific document (or the dynamic path based on the current context) and you can display content of any document anywhere. You can also use API to get that value, but I would say the solution with repeater is easirer, it gives you all the caching and other possibilities out-of-the-box and it can be done directly from the UI, without the need to write any code.