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eagleag-yahoo - 5/3/2009 6:05:10 AM
e-commerce paypal currency issue
I've set up paypal payment on e-commerce site and it works when I use USD as currency (works when testing on paypal sandbox), but when I switch site currency to ILS (Israeli shekel) I get an error when trying to pay on paypal.

THe currency code is correct and so is all other info becuase USD works.

Any idea what could be the probelm?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/23/2009 2:49:38 AM
RE:e-commerce paypal currency issue

Could you please specify what error you get, eventually provide us with screenshot of the error message?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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eagleag-yahoo - 5/31/2009 3:38:45 AM
RE:e-commerce paypal currency issue
This is the error I'm getting now on paypal sandbox, not same ass error I was getting before:

Sorry — your last action could not be completed

If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.

If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.
PimpAbort with return code 4011
File: /y/sb/AHOD_570_0507_int_912941_rebuildsc4239_C/vobs/all/applogic/web/FinancialInstrument/FundingMix/implementation/FundingSourceALIImpl.cpp
Func: internal_obtain_default_funding_source Line: 766

Backtrace: Utility::WebPimpExceptionHandlerALIImpl::handle_PimpAbortException(PimpAbortException const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn &) Utility::WebPimpExceptionHandlerALIImpl::handle_exceptions(PPException const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn &) MerchantPaymentWeb::exception_handler(PimpWebAppContext const &, PPException const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn &) WebAppHooks::exception_handler(Riprap::WebAppContext const &, PPException const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn &) Riprap::dispatch_loop(Riprap::EPRegistry const &, Riprap::WebAppContext const &, Riprap::DispatchAction &, Riprap::WebAppReturn &, String const &, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &) Riprap::dispatch_wrapper(OutputStream &, Riprap::EPRegistry const &, Riprap::WebAppContext const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn const &, String const &, bool const &, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &) gcc2_compiled. main

Use of pimp_rc (4014), Use of pimp_rc (4011), Use of pimp_rc (4011), Use of pimp_rc (4002), Use of pimp_rc (4011), Use of pimp_rc (4011), Use of pimp_rc (4002), Use of pimp_rc (4011), Use of pimp_rc (4011), (rcf @ int FinancialInstrument::PimpAutoFundingBLIImpl::internal_setup_payment_flow(WPaymentFlow &, const PimpTransaction &, WS_XCLICK_WEB_ACCEPT_TYPE, const WUser &, long long unsigned int, WUser &, long long int, bool, const PimpRiskVarsAdjustment *):1475)

(rcf @ int FinancialInstrument::PimpAutoFundingBLIImpl::internal_transaction_useruser_get_allowable_funding_types_for_amount(const WUser *, const PimpTransaction *, long long unsigned int, const long int *, long int *, const PimpTemporarilyDisabledFundingSources &, CCFundingInfo *, IACHFundingInfo *, ECheckFundingInfo *, ELVeCheckFundingInfo *, MEFTFundingInfo *, ELVFundingInfo *, UACHFundingInfo *, BuyerCreditFundingInfo *, ChinaBankFundingInfo *, FurtherFundingTypesInfo *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, WS_XCLICK_WEB_ACCEPT_TYPE, WPaymentFlow *, long long unsigned int, WPaymentFlowElv *, const PimpAuctionRiskInfo *, const PimpShippingPaymentParams *, const PimpMerchantPullBA *, const PimpRiskVarsAdjustment *, const Currency &):2670)

Use of pimp_rc (11711), (rcf @ int FinancialInstrument::PimpAutoFundingBLIImpl::internal_transaction_useruser_get_default_funding_source_for_amount(const WUser *, const PimpTransaction *, long long unsigned int, FundingSourceInfo *, const PimpTemporarilyDisabledFundingSources &, WS_XCLICK_WEB_ACCEPT_TYPE, const long int *, long int *, CCFundingInfo *, IACHFundingInfo *, ECheckFundingInfo *, ELVeCheckFundingInfo *, MEFTFundingInfo *, ELVFundingInfo *, UACHFundingInfo *, BuyerCreditFundingInfo *, ChinaBankFundingInfo *, FurtherFundingTypesInfo *, WPaymentFlow *, long long unsigned int, WPaymentFlowElv *, const FundingSourceInfo *, bool *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, TArray *, const PimpAuctionRiskInfo *, const PimpShippingPaymentParams *, const PimpMerchantPullBA *, const PimpRiskVarsAdjustment *, const Currency &):5048)

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 6/3/2009 7:55:40 AM
RE:e-commerce paypal currency issue

it seems it is not only your problem but problem of PayPal. Please see these forum threads:

Could you please watch them? Eventually, you could contact the PayPal directly...

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova