Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Modifying web part / Front end jQuery integration View modes: 
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aaron-webdesignmagic.com - 6/16/2009 11:28:30 PM
Modifying web part / Front end jQuery integration
Hi Guys,

We are in the process of developing our first major site with Kentico so forgive me if some of the questions I ask are a bit basic :)

What are are doing, is developing an "editorials" section for news articles etc similar to that of http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/editorials/ - the headlines and description are shown, and the main article displayed when the link is clicked.

Whilst this is possible with Kentico, we are looking to extend this a little further and are not too sure how to accomplish things (we are still in the planning stages).

What we want to do is modify the web part that is used by the editors and have a section where they can upload up to 10 images (I'm picturing just 10 image fields where they can upload between 0-10 images).

Then, when the article is displayed on the front end, the images that were uploaded in the new section we added would be loaded into the control of that shown at http://dev.herr-schuessler.de/examples/jquery-popeye-1-0/

What I'm unsure how to do is actually store/retrieve the images in the DB, relate them to the article, etc.

If anyone could give some insight on how to accomplish this feature would be much appreciated :)


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/17/2009 4:40:59 AM
RE:Modifying web part / Front end jQuery integration
Hi Aaron,

I'm not sure if you need to restrict the number of images (you could eventually restrict number of images that should be displayed). If not so, I think the easiest solution would be to enable your editors to add images directly under the news item and then use nested repeater to generate appropriate HTML/javascript code that will display images for current news item.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek