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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > populating document types using a multi-screen approach (wizard) View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
kenticonewbie - 6/10/2009 10:14:21 AM
populating document types using a multi-screen approach (wizard)
I am working on my first Kentico site, and am trying to create a wizard to populate multiple document types.

For example:
Screen 1 would capture data for DocumentType1
Screen 2 would capture data for DocumentType2
Clicking Next on each screen will save the data and take the user to the next screen. (clicking back is available too)

We tried this using "Contribution List" and "Edit Contribution" webparts. It kind of worked, but the workflow/usability was complicated, rendering it almost useless. The reason why it was useless, was because the user experience was very unwizard-like (no back button, no "next" button, just a Save button that saves your data, not taking you to the next screen).

Therefore, we'd like to create a new webpart that would allow custom .Net code to create the wizard experience while populating the Document Types we have created.

Now on to the questions:
Is it possible to populate a document type from a web part?
Is it possible to use the Kentico-generated form user interface (that it uses in the Edit Contribution part) in my new web part which I can then use to populate the Document Type?
Has anyone tried something like this before?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 6/11/2009 7:30:56 AM
RE:populating document types using a multi-screen approach (wizard)
It shouldn't be problem, you will use CMSDataForm control to generate form for required document type, the advantage of this control is that you can use alternative forms. Of course this process will require some customization bit it shouldn't be problem to do that.
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec.