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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > ECommerce : shopping cart : step 1 : shipping charge = 0 View modes: 
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calais-club-internet - 5/29/2009 10:14:43 AM
ECommerce : shopping cart : step 1 : shipping charge = 0

The shipping charge displayed in the first step of the shopping cart is wrong
- when i arrive in the 1st step from the product catalogue, I not choose yet the shipping option => it's why the value is 0 (?)
- after i choose the shipping option, if i be back to 1st step, the shipping charge is updated
- but i modify the quantities and click on update, its is not recalculed

It's really confusing when there is a free shipping charge amount

Is it possible to not display it in the 1st step? how to do it?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/13/2009 4:28:01 AM
RE:ECommerce : shopping cart : step 1 : shipping charge = 0

You can ensure this directly in source code of this step of shopping cart. You can find it in ~\CMSModules\Ecommerce\Controls\ShoppingCart\ShoppingCartContent.ascx(.cs) files.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek