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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Adding form without BizForm web part View modes: 
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tedevang-gmail - 6/20/2009 8:54:21 AM
Adding form without BizForm web part
I would like to add a simple form to my Kentico 4 site that does a javascript calculation and displays the results to the site visitor without capturing any data to a database (similar to a loan calculator). When I try adding the form into an editable text web part, the only form recognized on the page is the basic page form (id=form1), so nothing happens when I try to trigger the javascript. Is there a way to add this type of form to Kentico? I don't need the BizForms capability of writing the form values to a database table.



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/26/2009 7:07:12 AM
RE:Adding form without BizForm web part
Hi Ted,

Unfortunately, multiple forms are not supported in .NET so you can't use custom <form> tags. You could eventually add iframe to page and put your form into separate page that you put into this iframe.

You could also create custom user control or web part with textboxes and ensure the functionality you need in code-behind of this control.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek