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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Can you use more than 1 Parameter with an Inline Control ? View modes: 
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andrewdonnelly-netconstruct.co - 7/8/2009 11:28:30 AM
Can you use more than 1 Parameter with an Inline Control ?
I know out of the box you can only use 1 Parameter.

However is there any work arounds orother solutions for this.

I need to build a plug in that takes 5 parameters that i can drop onto a page.

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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 7/8/2009 2:01:56 PM
RE:Can you use more than 1 Parameter with an Inline Control ?
As you can pass any type of string through the single parameter, I suggest you encode it in such as way that you can split it up and get your indivdual values. For example:

string[] myArray = this.Pamameter.split('|');

Dim myArray As String() = Me.Pamameter.split("|")