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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Show image/logo based on logged in user View modes: 
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DM - 8/6/2009 2:10:19 PM
Show image/logo based on logged in user
I have to display the logo/image based on the logged in user.

all logos sit in a folder structure like

--Logo A (Only A permitted to read)
--Logo B (Only B permitted to read)
--Logo C (Only C permitted to read)

I tried the Imagegallery, set "Check permssions" property to true and Paging = false, the customization of logo works fine. Only the logo associated with the user shows up BUT it had an assocaited link and when the logo is clicked it displayes the pager with its links though the number of images is still one.

I only want to show the associated logo with no links.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Jagr - 8/7/2009 4:08:10 AM
RE:Show image/logo based on logged in user
Hi DM,

You should try to use User Roles. Categorize your user into roles and the set the webpart, which is holding your logos, property "Display to roles". This way, logo A will be visible to users with role A, and so on.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 8/7/2009 4:26:10 AM
RE:Show image/logo based on logged in user

Jagr has a good point. However regarding the links - I would recommend to use another webpart to show up the logos - e.g. Editable Image. This will show logo without any links.

Or do you have any reason to use Image Gallery?

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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DM - 8/7/2009 11:41:07 AM
RE:Show image/logo based on logged in user

Actually I had set up the permissions as mentioned above.

Also instead of ImageGallery now I am using Repeater Control with permssion checks of the logo files. Its working.

Thanks both of you.