Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > issues with my blog View modes: 
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leonardoraygoza-gmail - 7/27/2009 1:15:40 PM
issues with my blog

I have add a new blog and it is working, I mean, I can add new posts and it display them, but when I clicked on the post title the page redirect me to another page where just appear a little orange image that says "xml" but it doesn't show me the content of my post and nothing else...

so I want to know why, o what am I missing?


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 7/27/2009 1:42:31 PM
RE:issues with my blog

I think this is just question of inheritance, you are probably missing some page placeholder web part or using inherited template in wrong way. Could you please try to install one of the pre-defined web templates (for example corporate web site) and try to evaluate blog section on in this web site? I hope this will help you to understand the concept of page templates and inheritance.

Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias.

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leonardoraygoza-gmail - 7/27/2009 4:12:45 PM
RE:issues with my blog
Hi Miroslav well I'm already using a pre-defined tamplate, the problem comes using exactly the kentico's corporate web site, the blog that the web site include by default works correctly, but when I add my own blog it show the entries but when I clicked on the title show the page that display the image "xml"

thx for help

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 7/28/2009 7:29:19 AM
RE:issues with my blog

I assume that you are inheriting template from your parent node not in proper way. Here is correct way (for example) on how the templates should be organazied in correct way:

Blogs (CMS.MenuItem) - List of blogs template with page placeholder web part
Blog 1 (CMS.Blog) – Blog template
Blog Month (CMS.BlogMonth) - Blog (inherited) template
Blog post (CMS.BlogPost) - Blog (inherited) template

Could you please check if you are using similar approach?

Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias

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leonardoraygoza-gmail - 7/28/2009 9:05:54 AM
RE:issues with my blog

ok on the corporate template Im adding on the section "news" a new blog, and I could do that, also have the same organization that you say, I mean:

- MyBlog
- month
- post 1
- post 2

but first I couldn't see My Blog on the main meny when I put my mouse over the option "News", so I access to my blog directly with the url, so once there I can see the post 1 and post 2 order by date, but if I clicked on one of them I get the error, but on the default blog that the template have the error doesn't happened.

Im sure that is simple error but I couldn't find it

thanks for the attention

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leonardoraygoza-gmail - 7/28/2009 11:53:58 AM
RE:issues with my blog
Well I can add the Blog to the main menu and now the image "xml" doesn't appear anymore, but when I click on the post title it go to a blank page, so it doesn't show the post content and the comments form...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 7/28/2009 3:16:45 PM
RE:issues with my blog
Hi Leonardo,
well the problem with menu was connected with fact, that menu by default display only pagemenuitem if you don't change document types property. Well that's definitely strange that the blog post content isn't displayed. Do you think it will be possible to access your site online or send us an export package so we can try to find out where is the source of this problem?
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec.

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leonardoraygoza-gmail - 7/29/2009 11:10:53 AM
RE:issues with my blog
no problem, I send you the package to support@kentico.com thank you

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 7/31/2009 4:30:35 AM
RE:issues with my blog

I've investigated further and it was inheritance issue. You are missing 'page placeholder' webpart in Resource Library document. When you place it (with default settings) you can see content correctly. You can see more info about visual inheritance in our Developer's Guide: devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/visual_inheritance.htm.

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil