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polarwarp-gmail - 7/3/2009 1:15:21 AM
Community Sample Site - creating with tutorial
I've been working through the document to recreate the community site and had a couple of questions.

1. It refers a lot to seeing Cache dependencies - yet I don't see this in the web part settings. eg. Cache dependencies: nodes|{%ToLower(CurrentSite.SiteName)%}|cms.blogpost|all

and Use default cache dependencies: enabled

Is there something I'm supposed to be setting instead?

2. User Contributions - Edit contribution web part - the document refer to a few settings which are not on the web part screen.
· Display a list of documents: disabled
· New item button label: New blog post
· List button label: My blog posts

3. Might be related to the above web part not being configured properly. But I tried create a new blog post. That worked fine - but when I save it and am on the blog view page - I get an "Edit Blog" link and "edit link". When I click the edit (blog post) link - I get save and spellcheck buttons above a box that I cannot edit. On the Edit contribution web part - its set to Allow editing by users of Document owner. Check permissions is unticked. So it doesn't look like a permissions thing?? Any ideas what I've done wrong as to why my user can't add a blog post to their blog.


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polarwarp-gmail - 7/3/2009 1:27:55 AM
RE:Community Sample Site - creating with tutorial
4. I'm also noticing that in the breadcrumbs I'm coming across text like " {% CommunityContext.CurrentGroup.GroupDisplayName|(encode)true%}

Is there some syntax thing missing from this to actually render what its supposed to be? I've copied from the instructions so maybe something is out of date or I've missed something?

5. I created a forum group, a new forum and a new forum thread/post. However when I click on the thread hyperlink http://localhost:1469/KenticoCMS4.0/Forums/f17/My-First-Forum.aspx

Its telling me the resource cannot be found. Have I missed some kind of setting in order to make the front end work? In the back end I can edit it, etc..

6. I noticed I was able to log in with "Mia" who was a user in the provided sample - not someone I associated with my new community site. Why was she authenticated properly when she's not a member of the new community site? ie. I logged in as her - and her name appears as the Current User?

I realise its difficult to trouble shoot something over so many steps - but I recreated from scratch to try and get a better understanding of how it all works :)

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 8/10/2009 1:34:27 PM
RE:Community Sample Site - creating with tutorial

4. Could you please provide us with a screenshot of this issue (How it is rendered on the page)?

5. Please go through related article in our Developer's Guide: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/publishing_predefined_forum_on_the_web.htm

6. Well, this is by design behavior. Users are global objects so they can login within one instance of Kentico CMS to all sites.

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil

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polarwarp-gmail - 7/13/2009 8:00:12 PM
RE:Community Sample Site - creating with tutorial
OK - turns out I didn't have the latest version of the community site which explains 1 at least.

There are incorrect steps in your documentation however that you might like to fix.
1) Page 174 - add new blog post webpart

The last of the three User contributions web parts will enable adding of new blog posts. Click the Add web part ( ) icon again, choose the User contributions -> Edit contribution web part and click OK.
In the web part properties window, set the following properties:
· Web part control ID: NewBlogPost

It is not an Edit Contribution web part - it is a contribution list web part.

2) Page 184 - Transformation for blog list.

Document says:
· Transformation: Community.Transformations.BlogPostDetail
when it should be


You might also want to consider versioning documents - or adding addendum/errata separate documents. ie. to highlight to someone they don't have the latest document or the "fixes" for it. Thankfully the second didn't take me too long to identify but the first one has taken me awhile to track down.

I'd still like to know why a user of one site - can log into a second site even though they're not a member of that site (as per my second post).

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 8/10/2009 1:53:20 PM
RE:Community Sample Site - creating with tutorial

regarding your update - now I see. You are looking at Community Site Guide. Right? And you are correct. There should be Contribution list instead of Edit Contribution webpart. I will let know our document writer. Thank you.

Transformation upgdate - you're right again. Another mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.

Well these guides are not versioned since they remain the same (more or less). However for instance Developer's Guide is versioned well: http://devnet.kentico.com/Documentation.aspx (you can find older version at the bottom of the page)

Concerning user login I've answered in another post within this thread.

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 8/10/2009 1:38:57 PM
RE:Community Sample Site - creating with tutorial

Firstly sorry for delay in answering unfortunately we are quite busy these days finishing new version.

2. Could you please let us know what exact documentation do you use? Anyway these webpart properties are rather related to Contribution list webpart.

3. Could you confirm that you have set Path property? Moreover do you receive any error message?

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil