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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar View modes: 
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polarwarp-gmail - 6/23/2009 12:23:00 AM
Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar
I was following this sample:


But I'm finding that it only has a valid userid if I've created the blog entry through the CMSDesk interface. If I'm a member and create a new blog then the created by field seems to be blank so it doesn't display any avatar (after I added a check for user != null).

Shouldn't the action of a user creating a blog through the site (community functionality) be setting the created by user field correctly or am I missing something ?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/29/2009 1:56:15 PM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar

I have followed that description on the sample community site and it is working fine - the avatar of the user who has created the post is displayed. I have tried to create the blog from live site and CMS Desk and both are working fine. I have just copied the code example to the file as per instructions and then added the code to the transformation.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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polarwarp-gmail - 6/29/2009 6:10:58 PM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar

What else can I check to find out why:

>But I'm finding that it only has a valid userid if I've created the blog entry through the >CMSDesk interface. If I'm a member and create a new blog then the created by field >seems to be blank so it doesn't display any avatar (after I added a check for user != >null).

The sample seems to work fine - but there is no createdby user if I create the blog through the community (front end) interface. I have no idea why this is.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/30/2009 3:53:40 AM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar

I have installed sample community site. I have added the function as per instructions to the cs file and modified the transformation.

I have logged out from CMS Desk, on the live site I have logged in as a Kelly user and I have created new blog post - the avatar was displayed fine. I have repeated this also for Abi as user. Again, avatar was displayed fine.

Then I have logged into the CMS Desk as administrator and I have created a blog post - the avatar of administrator was displayed on the live site which is correct.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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polarwarp-gmail - 6/30/2009 4:01:42 AM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar
Hi, I appreciate that it works for you but I still need help in figuring out why my version doesn't work. At the data level it's not setting the createdby field when I do it through the interface.

What can I try now?

I have not modified any standard kentico stuff.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/30/2009 8:26:33 AM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar

Could you please describe the exact steps you have made? The step by step description what you have done according to the knowledge base article. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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polarwarp-gmail - 7/1/2009 7:24:26 PM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar
Steps to add the blog:
1. Go to community site – log in as Mia
2. Click Create a new blog from shortcuts menu
3. Create a new blog on the main part of the page.
4. Added a post to the blog.
5. Log into CMS desk as administrator
6. Under Blogs, selected the new blog I added
7. Click Properties, Created by (is blank) – however the owner is set.
8. Click on the Blog post and the Created by field is set correctly to Mia

So perhaps my confusion was I was looking at the Blog level instead of blog post – but shouldn’t the created by still be being set to the person who created it? The created by and last modified by are both blank on the Blog entity (according to the Properties page).

Also how is this relationship stored in the database? I don’t see any UserId type fields on the content_blog and content_blogpost tables. I’ve tried referring to your KenticoCMS_DB.chm file but no matter what link I select in the lefthand side in the righthand panel I’m getting a “The address is not valid” message.

Actually how does the Content_Blog relate at a data level as it appears to have no relationships (in SQL server)? Is there a document that describes this (apart from the chm which isn’t working for me – unless you can tell me how to fix).


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/3/2009 3:48:51 AM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar

I am using version 4.0.3464 (with hotfix applied). I have followed the steps you described and the fields Created by, Last modified and Owner are filled correctly with user name "Mia Lee". There must be problem in your installation somewhere. Could you please send us export site package to our support e-mail? Thank you.

Regarding the relations - the Content tables - these are the coupled data tables. you can see the relations in Content management internals document.

Regarding the DB reference, the possible problems with it are described here under the list of documents and also in our FAQs. I hope it will help.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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polarwarp-gmail - 7/13/2009 1:22:16 AM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar
After updating to latest version I'm now experiencing weird behaviour in that my blog post can't be saved locally. It keeps saying that I need to enter a value - after it has cleared out a textbox. Will email it through to support.

Thanks for the link about the FAQ - maybe put the "please note" in bold on the documentation screen as I wasn't expecting to have to read the whole page to realise that I couldn't have a chm file sitting on a network drive.. but at least I know now!

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 8/10/2009 2:17:26 PM
RE:Knowledgebase Sample - Blog avatar

Just an update for other users - it seemed to be some upgrading issue.

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil