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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Filter Content Tree Via Permissions View modes: 
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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 8/18/2009 10:15:25 AM
Filter Content Tree Via Permissions
Is it possible to filter the content tree items displayed based on permissions?

Right now I have the whole tree viewable, but a "You are not authorized" message shows for most of the content as I have only one section editable by an editor.

This would be helpful so the editor just saw the content tree parts he is concerned with editing.

If not, it might be an interesting feature, although, in some cases, it could cause a very disjointed tree.

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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 8/18/2009 1:16:26 PM
RE:Filter Content Tree Via Permissions
Looking further into the situation reveals in the help: Site Manager > Users > General > Starting alias path.
In the CMS Desk content tree will be displayed only documents starting with the specified alias path.
Which does what I needed (albeit, not with permissions).

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kentico_pavelk - 8/20/2009 3:30:59 AM
RE:Filter Content Tree Via Permissions

Thank you for posting the solution. I believe other users may find it useful.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek