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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > e-commerce : shopping cart : how to localize the text of the buttons? View modes: 
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calais-club-internet - 5/6/2009 4:02:21 AM
e-commerce : shopping cart : how to localize the text of the buttons?

in the shopping cart page, the texts of some buttons are not localized
- check-out button
- Empty button

or some others have spelling mistake
- update button

is there a way to localize them?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/19/2009 5:14:42 AM
RE:e-commerce : shopping cart : how to localize the text of the buttons?

You will need to translate the labels for the buttons in the resource file - CMSResources/CMS.resx file. You can do it directly here by finding appropriate string. The restart of the application may be required. For more details please see International and RTL support.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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calais-club-internet - 6/15/2009 5:48:41 AM
RE:e-commerce : shopping cart : how to localize the text of the buttons?
the question of the localization is not clear
there is different approach depending what we look (documentation...)

After looking lon time for similar problem in the forum,
I found that u change the priority between the different sources (CMS.resx, CMS.Fr-Fr.resx, custom.resx,custom.fr-fr.resx, custom string in the database )

So I decide to only use the CMS.resx, and CMS-fr-fr.resx

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Nexun - 8/18/2009 4:58:25 PM
RE:e-commerce : shopping cart : how to localize the text of the buttons?
Hi Juraj,

I got kentico with source code, can you tell me how i can change the priority order of the resource file :

Priority of the resource strings

When looking for a localized strings, the system uses the following priority:

1. cms.resx
2. custom.resx
3. database (Site Manager -> Development -> UI Cultures)

It means if there are duplicate strings with same name in all three files, the system will use the one stored in the filesystem (cms.resx).

I want that the last priority is my custom file please.

Thanks you so much.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 8/24/2009 3:05:58 PM
RE:e-commerce : shopping cart : how to localize the text of the buttons?

Since the version 4.1 the priority has been changed as following:

1. database (Site Manager -> Development -> UI Cultures)
2. custom.resx
3. cms.resx

It means if there are duplicate strings with same name in all three files, the system will use the one stored in the database. To change the priorities, you can add the following key to your web.config:

<add key="CMSUseSQLResourceManagerAsPrimary" value="false" />

When the key is added, the priorities are the following:

1. custom.resx
2. cms.resx
3. database (Site Manager -> Development -> UI Cultures)

If none of these cases is suitable for you, could you please specify complete order of priorities that you need? Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek