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AP-Kentico - 8/28/2009 12:37:51 PM
BizForm Questions

I want to use bizform for following:

1. Divide the bizform into multiple pages. Show next on each page which will do the validations as well, and on the last page show submit button/image
2. On a specific page, I want to show a repeater/grid control which can store multiple values for a column/field? Is this achievable?
3. If I use custom validation, how can I set the validation labels to show up?

Thanks n Regards,

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AP-Kentico - 8/28/2009 1:50:54 PM
RE:BizForm Questions
One more question I would like to add to this list:

My bizform page accepts a querystring param. which I can show in my bizform like {%jobid%}. I have another textbox/label which I want to fill in by jobname value from database. How can I do that without getting into custom controls?

I can show the job name in a dropdown like this: which works fine. but I want tos show it in a textbox.
SELECT JobId, JobName From CONTENT_Job where jobid = {%jobid%}

Has anyone tried it before?

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kentico_pavelk - 9/1/2009 4:21:35 AM
RE:BizForm Questions

The answer to questions 1 and 3 is in my colleague's post from 9/1/2009 3:34:17 AM:
You may need to ensure the validation and displaying validation labels in the code of the next button.

As regards your second question; could you please provide us with more details about how it should work? Concerning your last question; I'm afraid you need to you custom form control and ensure that in the code behind.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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AP-Kentico - 9/4/2009 9:14:34 AM
RE:BizForm Questions
Thanks Pavel,

I was able to figure out the validation on click of next button. It works fine.
The only issue is the naming of the controls created by bizform control. How can I grab an input control textbox/checkbox etc created by bizform. Can I give it an id somehow and use it when I try to validate a page? What is the best way to handle this, if someone has got their hands dirty already?

Thanks and Regards,
Anil Pundhir

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kentico_pavelk - 9/8/2009 9:22:41 AM
RE:BizForm Questions
Hello Anil,

You can get the values of the field by using this: BizForm.BasicForm.FieldControls['control'] and overtype it to appropriate control. You'll be able to get the values from these controls.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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AP-Kentico - 9/8/2009 9:41:13 AM
RE:BizForm Questions
I actually used jquery to divide the bizform into multiple pages and on click of the next button on each page, I was validating various controls on the page in javascript/jquery.

I could get elements by comparing partial name and a class name as well. So I guess its okay for the time being, unless you have a better soln.
