Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Prevent Simultaneous Logins View modes: 
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andy-emineodesigns.co - 9/23/2009 11:34:15 AM
Prevent Simultaneous Logins

I have a client using Kentico to power their website and they have requested that I prevent the same user account being used to login from multiple locations simulatenously. Is there any easy way to achieve this?

And if there's not an easy way, how would I go about doing this anyway?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/29/2009 3:20:40 AM
RE:Prevent Simultaneous Logins

This will require some customization. You will need to use the Online Users module, where you can check if the user is already online, if yes, you will deny the next login attempt in the logon form web part, or when logging to user interface.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus