1. I have a document type which has a transformation that displays on my site (this is a product).
2. I created a custom table that you can update info throw cmsdesk->tools->Custom tables. Has 2 fields: ProductKashrut, ProductKashrutImage
In the transformation for document type I display some text that the admin chose from the FORM tab in cmsdesk, from a drop down list (is populated using sql query from custom table).
Kashrut - <%# Eval("ProductKashrut") %>
on the next line of the transformation I would like to display an image the goes with "ProductKashrut" but only exists in the custom table.
how can I connect the two?
Can I do something like this:
Kashrut - <%# Eval("ProductKashrut") %><br />
<%# (FIND ("ProductKashrutImage") FROM customtalbe_tableName WHERE ("ProductKashrut") = ("ProductKashrut")) %>