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Version 4.0 BETA and RC > SuggestionsPossibility to generate multiple document after order and credit note (negatif amount) View modes: 
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bertrand-dessaintes - 11/30/2008 1:17:41 PM
Possibility to generate multiple document after order and credit note (negatif amount)
Able to manage multiple document generated at a order such as delivery, credit note (negative amount should be possible), note repayment may be able to establish itself.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/2/2008 7:44:32 AM
RE:Possibility to generate multiple document after order and credit note (negatif amount)

I am sorry but I am not getting the meaning of your post. Could you please describe this scenario with more details? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus