ASPX templates
Version 2.x > ASPX templatesFCK Editor Toolbar in Frame View modes: 
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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
norashlea - 5/10/2007 7:26:26 AM
FCK Editor Toolbar in Frame

Having problems getting the shared wysiwyg editor toolbar to display in a frame so that it remains at the top as user scrolls down the page/editing screen. I've set in web.config:
<add key="CMSUseFrameForHTMLEditorToolbar" value="true" />

and from the Developer's Guide I thought this would take care of it, but the toolbar still scrolls up and doesn't remain fixed in a frame.

What am I doing wrong?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/15/2007 11:37:33 AM
RE:FCK Editor Toolbar in Frame
What is your currnet version of Kentico? This feature is supported from version 2.1d. I have tried to reproduce the issue also in 2.1e and this setting works correctly. If you are using older version, please upgrade to the newest version. If the problem remains, please send us a description of the problem to

Best Regards,

Juraj Ondrus

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kentico_petrpa - 6/8/2007 5:17:34 PM
RE:FCK Editor Toolbar in Frame
This bug is fixed in the version 2.2.
You should add the line below to the web.config.
<add key="CMSUseIFrameForHTMLEditorToolbar" value="true" />