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Version 3.x > Bug reports > getdocumentURL doesn't "refresh" when used with a slideshow View modes: 
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neil-fourmangos - 10/5/2009 1:33:16 PM
getdocumentURL doesn't "refresh" when used with a slideshow
<a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" title="<%# Eval("Image") %>"><img src="<%# GetFileUrl("Image") %>?maxsidesize=150" alt="" /></a>

this is the transformation I'm using with the content slider. Something seems a little off here everytime I run it.

If I use getdocumenturl by itself I get the proper document url. when I wrap it in the image, I get the last image of the 4 images I have under the content slide show. Am I missing something?

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neil-fourmangos - 10/5/2009 2:02:04 PM
RE:getdocumentURL doesn't "refresh" when used with a slideshow
also cache is set to 0. Now I did have the title tag showing up properly which is to say it's working, it's just the image src. It keeps showing the last image in the line up. there are 4 of them I should mention.

Also - I created my own transformation. I dont' see anywhere in the documentation where an image is nested in an anchor tag. It makes me wonder if the anchor tag is causing the issue.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 10/15/2009 4:29:44 AM
RE:getdocumentURL doesn't "refresh" when used with a slideshow
Hi Neil,

Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce this issue. Could you please let me know what version of Kentico CMS you use? Could you please also let me know what document type you use and what field type have you set for 'Image' field? Could you please optionally provide me with some illustrational screenshot that might help me to reproduce the issue?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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neil-fourmangos - 10/15/2009 7:29:27 AM
RE:getdocumentURL doesn't "refresh" when used with a slideshow
Hi - hard to show a screen shot actually.

you put in 5 content pages with photographs as the teaser photo.

the slider works showing each graphic so you get the five photos appearing one after the other. the problem is that the wrapping a href tag doesn't refresh with each content page. It stays the same as the first graphic.

So you have URL1(image1), URL1(image2), URL1(image3), URL1(image4) etc.

It should be URL1(image1), URL2(image2) URL3(image3)...etc

Now if I don't wrap the photo with the url and the url instead just appears as text beneath the image, the URLS are correct. It is only when I put them around the photo so that you can click the photo for navigation.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 10/22/2009 7:48:54 AM
RE:getdocumentURL doesn't "refresh" when used with a slideshow
Hi Neil,

Now I see what you meant, but this works for me in version 4.1 on sample CorporateSite. But you wrote you use 'Eval("Image")' in your transformation and in CMS.MenuItem document type there is MenuItemTeaserImage default field for image. Do you use custom field and/or document type? Could you please let me know what document type you use for photos, what 'field type' you use for field where photo is stored and also let me know what version of Kentico CMS you use?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek