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richard.pendergast-notatallstrange - 11/19/2008 1:29:46 AM
Hosting Metrics and Best Practice Deployment
We are currently running roughly 40 sites on 1 server using Kentico. We do not appear to be running into too many issues as yet with regard to performance - we were for a while but after configuring our caching a little better and tuning several queries things appear to be quite solid.

However, what we are now wondering is whether there are any metrics available or best practices relating to deployment. We are experimenting with various configurations based upon the following:

1. the number of IIS websites
2. the number of IIS application pools
3. the number of databases

We are also beginning to experiment with various hardware configurations.

We have requirements which mean that our user-base is shared, and although we are already beginning to plan a Web Farm we are hoping for recommendations in the meantime.

Should we be worried about the number of users contained within a Kentico database? Is 5,000 too many? 50,000? 500,000?

Should we be worried about the number of documents contained within a Kentico database? Is 5,000 too many? 50,000? 500,000?

Should we be considering a SQL cluster for the Web Farm? At what point would you recommend this?

Is there anything we should be considering when planning to move to a Web Farm?

While we will know the answers to these questions soon enough, it would make things a lot easier, and far more efficient, if we could gather some advice prior to experimentation within a production environment.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/19/2008 6:38:38 AM
RE:Hosting Metrics and Best Practice Deployment

First of all I would like to ask you to post your questions to appropriate or similar category, since your post is not a bug report. Thank you.

On ours CTO blog you can find a long information about the performance and settings and also some load tests that may help you - http://devnet.kentico.com/Blogs/Martin-Hejtmanek/August-2008/Performance-of-Kentico-CMS.aspx.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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richard.pendergast-notatallstrange - 11/19/2008 6:51:47 PM
RE:Hosting Metrics and Best Practice Deployment
Thanks Juraj,

You're right of course. I had actually meant to post this elsewhere in the forums, but had stepped through every forum first in order to make sure I wasn't posting something already being discussed. This meant that my last port of call was the bugs category and that this is where my post landed. I'll re-post accordingly.

Richard Pendergast