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Obfuskater - 10/27/2008 5:32:28 PM
Flash 10 display issue
I just thought I would share a problem that I had a little bit of trouble with - a recent security update to the Flash 10 Player, described here:


This seems to affect both versions 2.x and 3.x of Kentico, though not version 1.x (as far as I can tell).

This player update modifies the way in which flash responds to the Content-Disposition HTTP header. Basically the flash movie will not display if your website returns Content-Disposition: attachment in the header. Instead you will see a "Movie not loaded" message when you right click on the blank flash object in your webpage. You need a Content-Disposition: inline header to get around this problem.

There are a couple of solutions that worked for me:

1) When referring to your flash assets you have uploaded into the Kentico CMS with the getfile URL, you can append ?disposition=inline to the querystring

2) If you prefer not to have to modify every link to a flash asset (described above), you can modify the SetDisposition method directly by placing:

|| extension.ToLower() == ".swf"

at the end of the first if statement. This SetDisposition method is in CMSPages\GetFile.aspx.cs for version 2.x of Kentico, but in App_Code\CMSPages\GetFilePage.cs for 3.x of Kentico.

Note - I've tested solution 1 above, though not solution 2.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/29/2008 4:02:38 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue

Thank you for your suggestion - it was very helpful. I have tested the 2nd solution.

I have modified this file - \App_Code\CMSPages\GetFilePage.cs and in the method "SetDisposition(string fileName, string extension)" I have changed this IF statement:

if (ImageHelper.IsImage(extension) || ImageHelper.IsHtml(extension) || extension.ToLower() == ".pdf" )


if (ImageHelper.IsImage(extension) || ImageHelper.IsHtml(extension) || extension.ToLower() == ".pdf" || extension.ToLower() == ".swf")

And it worked fine. I have tested it also with Flash 9. Thank you once again.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Obfuskater - 10/30/2008 3:38:14 PM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
You're welcome :)

Keep up the great work!

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Erik-bertpc - 12/20/2008 4:19:31 PM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
Hi everyone. I went to make this fix for an installation we have at:


The site is running version 3.0.2953. I went to make the change to /App_Code/CMSPages/GetFilePage.cs, but there's no SetDisposition(..) method in that file. However, I did find the method in the /CMSPages/GetFile.aspx.cs, so I made the change there, but the problem remains. I changed the first IF statement (line 657-658) to this:

if (CMS.GlobalHelper.ImageHelper.IsImage(extension) || CMS.GlobalHelper.ImageHelper.IsHtml(extension)
|| extension.ToLower() == ".pdf" || extension.ToLower() == ".swf")

(I also put parentheses around each of the two conditions that use "==" in case syntax was an issue, but still it isn't loading the SWF.)

How is it that our 3.0.x installation has the method in the wrong place? The page continues to fail to load the SWF; the source doesn't end up with the Disposition setting in the header. Any ideas?

Erik Bertrand
Amplify Studios
Manchester, NH USA

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Erik-bertpc - 12/20/2008 10:01:42 PM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
Sorry about that - I need to amend my post. I now realize that I was supposed to change the file in /CMSPages since we have 3.0.x, so that's all good (different posts have given conflicting information on which versions have which files).

In any case, everything else sticks: even with the code change made, the problem remains! Is there a setting within Kentico that I should be changing in addition to the code change? I've double and triple-checked the change and all looks good to me.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 12/22/2008 6:32:07 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
please make changes according to our KB article(http://devnet.kentico.com/Knowledge-Base/API-and-Internals/Kentico-CMS-and-Flash-10.aspx).
You should also try to stop IIS and delete .NET cache to be sure that the changes take effect.
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec

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Erik-bertpc - 12/22/2008 9:14:19 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
We're all set. We had made a change to the document type we were using for flash objects as part of our troubleshooting, so once we undid that, the flash started working again. Both Flash 9 and 10 are working now. Many thanks!


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daniel_1-live.com - 5/24/2009 7:02:05 PM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
Hi my swf file or flash was not seen when i uploaded, anyone care to advise?

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Obfuskater - 5/24/2009 7:10:47 PM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
Hi Daniel,

If you are using Kentico version 2 or 3 and are not seeing the Flash movie displayed (you get a "Movie not loaded" message when you right click on the area the flash object should be loaded into), then you'll need to follow the instructions in my first post.

I would imagine this issue will have been solved in Kentico 4.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 6/1/2009 10:18:23 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue

in version 4.0, the GetFilePage.cs was refactored into source code (DLL libraries), and the swf disposition problem is fixed here.
If you still experience any problem with running flash, please let us know.

Zdenek C.

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anilpundhir-msn - 6/1/2009 11:05:37 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
Hi Zdenek,

How do I link an external flash url?
I could link an aspx file created by uploadiong an swf file locally and that works but this link fails:


Any help is appreciated.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/2/2009 6:35:21 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue

You can use external url, when you are inserting flash using FCKeditor -> Insert / Edit Flash -> Flash Properties -> URL. This url must points directly to appropriate flash file. When I open your link (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/25933859#25933859) in my browser, I can see that this is ordinary web page with flash on it, but not direct link to some flash file, so you cannot use this url.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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rafaeldeoliveira-adcorp.com - 6/2/2009 2:26:36 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue
I have uploaded a Flash video in the WYSIWYG.
It is not visible on the frontend. My developer seems to think this bug has not been fixed yet on version 4.0.

I'm using a Prototype generated on the Kentico site.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/2/2009 7:18:23 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue

I am sorry, I am not quite sure what do you mean by "I'm using a Prototype generated on the Kentico site." Do you mean free edition, trial version, virtual lab, some flash file? Could you please clarify it to me? Anyway, this issue is fixed in 4.0 version. If you have setted url of flash file well and have current flash player installed, there should not be a problem. You can e.g. send flash file you are using to support@kentico.com and I will test it on my computer. If you do so, please refer to this forum. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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ganniazz-hotmail - 6/24/2009 10:09:57 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue

I am using Kentico V.4 and I have the same problem and can't seem to find the solution.

I am using a Literal to construct the html code that shall show the Flash Movie but no luck.

The following is the code:

_ltrImageFlash.Text += "<object width='" + _flashMovieWidth + "' height='" + _flashMovieHeight + "'>";
_ltrImageFlash.Text += "<param name='movie' value='" + _flashMovieUrl + "'>";
_ltrImageFlash.Text += "<embed src='" + _flashMovieUrl + "' width='" + _flashMovieWidth + "' height='" + _flashMovieHeight + "'>";
_ltrImageFlash.Text += "</embed>";
_ltrImageFlash.Text += "</object>";

Regarding the url I am sure that I am pointing in the right direction because when I use the same methodology to load an image it works. It is only when I point to a flash movie that the GetFile page does not work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 7/1/2009 4:41:23 AM
RE:Flash 10 display issue

Could you please check, if the html code, your code is generating is correct? Try to set all the variables as static strings to test your code.

Best Regards,
Boris Pocatko