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Version 3.x > New features > When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc View modes: 
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Member - 2/15/2008 11:12:03 PM
When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc
When I create a page I usually select a page template that I have created for the site in question. 99% of the time, I do not want the new page to alter the template from which it was based, so I convert it to an ad-hoc template. As it stands now I need to do this for every page I create.

When using the "save and add another" it would be very useful to create the page, have it auto-convert to an ad-hoc template, and then move on to create another page.

If I forget to "ad-hoc" a page, then the changes I make to the individual page propagate to the original template, and this is very annoying. I believe such a feature would save a lot of time and allow the developer to avoid making mistakes with templates.

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kentico_vitaja - 2/18/2008 3:08:41 PM
RE:When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc

I'm not sure if every developer would appreciate this solution, however we will consider adding this functionality in one of next versions of Kentico CMS.

Best regrads,
Vita Janecek

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Member - 2/18/2008 3:32:09 PM
RE:When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc
You know, I just realized that what I am asking for already exists with the option of creating a "blank page".

I see that an ad-hoc template is created with page sections. That is what I wanted. I was using the page templates to accomplish this.

What is really confusing to me is why there are some "templates" that are just like the blank pages -- the "three columns" template in the "templates with editable regions" folder, e.g.. I have no idea why I would pick this template over the equivalent "blank" page, and vice versa.

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kentico_vitaja - 2/18/2008 3:53:29 PM
RE:When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc

"three columns" template and similar are there just as an example for users to see that they can use basic empty template and add web parts afterwards.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek

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Member - 2/18/2008 4:05:18 PM
RE:When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc
Yes, but this is misleading to new users, as the better approach is to use the blank layout, add web parts, and then save as a new template.

I understand that Kentico is very flexible and that there are 10 valid ways to accomplish everything. In fact that is ultimately what I love most about it.

But, for the new user, it would be helpful to have some tutorials that show some very basic "best practices". The documentation does not quite accomplish this.

I imagine a 5-minute video clip that shows a developer starting a new web project and adding pages, tweaking the master layout, choosing inheritance etc. I am sure such a clip would save you countless hours of the same basic questions from new developers.

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kentico_vitaja - 3/17/2008 2:04:56 PM
RE:When Creating Pages Have an Option to Auto-Convert to Ad-Hoc

Actually this is what we are planning to do. There will be some movie clips to show users how-to do basic things and Kentico CMS documentation should be more extensive, too.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek