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Version 3.x > New features > AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version View modes: 
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Mufasa - 2/1/2008 4:30:59 PM
AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version
I would like to replace the standard ScriptManager control that is included on every page automatically by Kentico code. I would like to use the replacement ScriptManager as described at The control toolkit can be downloaded at

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Member - 2/10/2008 4:52:03 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version

I was looking forward for 3.0 version to enable ajax features on site. Considering the poor Ajax support on 2.X.

I upgraded to 3.0 and first error i got is Core DLL is attempting to launch Ajaxtoolkit dll version 1.0.10920.32880.

I downloaded 1.0.10920.61570 and placed in to my bin and recompiled, but stills application looking for 1.0.10920.32880.

So i took the ajaxcontrole source and recompiled as required version 1.0.10920.32880. then problem solved.

I figure out script manager is automatically pusshed in to all Pages.thats good.

So i used update panel and stuff inside as usual. then i got the same 2.X problem which is ajax postback unable to locate the target url, 404 error on ajax post back.

I readed the post on changing web.config and i did the same while i was working on 2.x and now on 3.0 upgrade expecting all ajax suport included i just used web.config stright.

I really appriciate if you let me know how to enable ajax.

Now i end up using and writing load of jscript insted of using simple update pannel and postbacks.

sriram reddy

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Member - 2/11/2008 11:05:18 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version

I figured out the reaon for the problem but i couldnt figure out the solution yet.

The reason my second postbacks from ajax receiving 404 error from sys.webforms.pagerequestmanagerserverexception is, except my first post back rest are going to wrong path.

My portalteamplate.aspx is with in CMSPages folder so my firstpost is going to Domain+CMSPages/portaltemplate.aspx then onwards postbacks are going to Domain+/portaltempalte.aspx.

AJax is working fine if i request url with alias path i.e if request http://domain/CMSpages/portaltemplate.aspx?alliaspath=/homepage.
if i request page http://domain/homepage ajax posts backs not working as i mentioned above.

I thinki can fix that by 2 ways one by changing global function onbeginerequest or some home change the postbacks to fixed path from client script.

If some body have already solution for this please let me know.

sriram reddy

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arjan - 2/25/2008 11:22:37 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version
Hi, I am not using Kentico, not yet, and I wonder if this issue is already solved.

A while ago I was playing with url rewriting myself and I created this solution, maybe it can help you out.

Please note that all your forms need to derive from UrlRewriteForm and you need to 'know' the original url. Good luck.

public class UrlRewriteForm : System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm
protected override void RenderAttributes(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.WriteAttribute("name", this.Name);

writer.WriteAttribute("method", this.Method);


if (System.Web.SiteMap.Provider.CurrentNode != null)
writer.WriteAttribute("action", ((MySiteMapProvider)System.Web.SiteMap.Provider).CurrentNode.Url); // this supplies the original url

if (base.ID != null)
writer.WriteAttribute("id", base.ClientID);

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/26/2008 2:26:17 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version
Hi all,
we have obtained two similar problems with AJAX after upgrading to 3.0 version. Here are the solutions from the customers:
1) first customer had some bad setting in web.config file related to XML output filter - after changing it the AJAX was working fine. I am sorry we do not have any details about the changes.

2) Second customer cleared the field "Excluded Output Form Filter URLs" in Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs section

If the problem remains, could you please send a message to our tech. support ( with site export package and with more information about the issue?
Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Mufasa - 2/29/2008 10:58:35 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version
So, any word yet on the possibility of using the AJAX Control Toolkit version or not? (see the original post for this thread)

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/6/2008 4:07:51 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version
Hi again,

could you please try to use this: <ajaxToolkit:ScriptManager ID="manScript" runat="server" />

I have tried it and it was working fine on my environment.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Mufasa - 6/23/2008 5:21:58 PM
RE:AJAX ScriptManager replacement with the AJAX Control Toolkit version
Where are we supposed to put that control/tag?

The toolkit version of the ScriptManager is a *replacement* for the base AJAX ScriptManager. Right now, we have to use ScriptManagerProxy controls, since a ScriptManager is always included on every page by the Kentico code (even at the master page level) without any actual uses in any user-space code (neither via portal nor in ASPX engines).