Design and CSS styles
Version 3.x > Design and CSS stylesClicking a inactive menu item removes padding and margin View modes: 
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rsteiner-sgw - 3/31/2009 11:02:53 AM
Clicking a inactive menu item removes padding and margin
Hi all. I've been having this problem with version 3.1a and the new version 4.

I'm using the cmsmenu webpart, and I have set a few menu items (either a primary or sub nav item) set to inactive. If I'm looking at the live site and click on the inactive menu items, they seem to lose their padding and margins. They just collapse.

I have tested the demo sites that come with Kentico (the Corporate example site), and they have the same problem with inactive menu items. This also isn't limited to just the cmsmenu webpart, it also affects the cmstreemenu webpart as well.

Anyone have a solution to this? Thanks a bunch!

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/2/2009 7:08:33 AM
RE:Clicking a inactive menu item removes padding and margin

I was not able to reproduce your issue. Could you please confirm us that you tested the sample (Corporate?) site with our default (unchanged) style sheet?

Could you please post here some screenshots of
1. document Properties -> Menu settings,
2. menu before click and
3. the one with damaged styling?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova