9/22/2008 3:17:18 AM
Search style sheet doesn't work
Hi Kentico team,
I was wondering why my classes doesn't apply on my search box, here's what I did was I edited this file from, ~\CMSWebParts\Search\cmssearchbox.ascx then included cssClass on each item: hidden, searchtext & searchbutton
<asp:Label ID="lblSearch" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="txtWord" CssClass="hidden" /> <asp:TextBox ID="txtWord" runat="server" CssClass="searchtext" /> <asp:Button ID="btnGo" runat="server" OnClick="btnGo_Click" CssClass="searchbutton" />
But when I load the page here's the script it generated:
<div class="searchbox" > <div id="ctl00_cmssearchboxNVIC1_pnlSearch" onkeypress="javascript:return WebForm_FireDefaultButton(event, 'ctl00_cmssearchboxNVIC1_btnImageButton')"> <label for="ctl00_cmssearchboxNVIC1_txtWord" id="ctl00_cmssearchboxNVIC1_lblSearch">Search:</label> <input name="ctl00$cmssearchboxNVIC1$txtWord" type="text" id="ctl00_cmssearchboxNVIC1_txtWord" /> <input type="image" name="ctl00$cmssearchboxNVIC1$btnImageButton" id="ctl00_cmssearchboxNVIC1_btnImageButton" src="/CMSTemplates/NVIC/images/SearchBtn.jpg" style="border-width:0px;" />
and all the css class I had included was gone, I also tried recreating cmssearchbox.ascx in to a new file but the same thing happens.
Help please.
Best Regards, Romeo Osma Web Designer, Techstars.NET