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Version 3.x > Design and CSS styles1 website 2 different log ins View modes: 
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Member - 2/4/2009 6:19:59 AM
1 website 2 different log ins
Website must have 2 parts

The website has its usual static pages home | about | etc
And from there the user can either login/register as a coach or a client and then different information will be available for the different users

Clients must be able to:
Have an online info request form
Be able to receive events letters from Janice (automated)
Be able to view their profile which includes their contracts(which is idividual for each client and must be able to be updated)

Upload documents and a email must be sent 2 Janice if any content is changed
Download documents
must be able to view all clients contracts

How difficult is this going to be also can you tell me all the necessary documentation i need to be able to do this

the website must still be able to be accessed i will just be adding extra pages depending on who you are logging in as i.e client or a coach

Help is much appreciated

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 2/6/2009 7:13:05 AM
RE:1 website 2 different log ins
Hi Cheryl,

You can achieve displaying personalized content for particular users according user's role: . On each page which belongs to particular user you will display appropriate content.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil