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ubo-hurontel.on - 9/10/2008 11:54:15 AM
Custom Module - access other than from CMSDesk
I followed the example regarding a Custom Module under the CMS Developer Guide 3.1a (under the section Developing a Custom Module)

I am setting up a new website. The site has two purposes: a) to give the users the abiltiy to update News and Product content - I am using the Kentico's built-in features to accomplish this and b) A custom web-based small manufacturing production scheduling system -- for this I have built a database custom application.

I was able to follow the example in Custom Module and my default page of my custom application appeared in CMS Desk Tools and I was able to press a buttom that I had added to my custom page and display the time on a label that I had added.

Is it possible to lauch my custom Module or my custom application without going into CMSDesk? I was hoping that from the "Home" page I could just do a link up in the top right hand corner that would take them to a login for the custom application.

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ubo-hurontel.on - 9/10/2008 5:54:30 PM
RE:Custom Module - access other than from CMSDesk
Under the section "Development with ASPX page templates" - I found "Integration with your existing ASP.NET application". This section talks about the following:

"1. Mixing both together

It makes sense to mix both applications into a single project if you wish to share functionality, content, security information and session or application variables between CMS and your application. The easiest way is to use Kentico CMS web project as the main project since it's already correctly configured for CMS and add your own ASPX pages and other files to this project.

If you need display your own ASPX pages inside the context of the web site, you can simply register them as page templates and then create new pages based on these page templates in the standard web site navigation (in the content tree). You will also need to modify your ASPX pages so that they use the master page (.master file) of the Kentico CMS web site.

2. Having CMS in the root and your application in a subfolder

If your application can or needs to run separately from the CMS and you want the CMS to manage the main web site, you can place Kentico CMS web project in the root of the web site and your application into a subfolder. You will need to create a virtual directory for the subfolder so that your application runs correctly."

I now believe that looking at Custom Modules was wrong.

Can someone give a further explaination of these two methods or which one I should be setting up for my custom application. (Thanks)

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ubo-hurontel.on - 9/10/2008 6:04:57 PM
RE:Custom Module - access other than from CMSDesk
In order to setup a Virtual Directory -- the screen in as the following questions: (I have copied the help section for the following questions)

1. Path To Virtual Directory
Enter the full path that you want to have in the URL before the virtual directory name. Leave blank if the virtual directory is to be created in the root of the website e.g. If you want to have the virtual directory at, then enter '\apps\net' into the text box.

2. Virtual Directory Name
This is the name of the virtual directory itself

3. Virtual Directory Type
Select whether you want to have the virtual directory point to a physical folder within your web space or whether you wish to point it to a URL of another website.

4. Allow Directory Browsing
Enable directory browsing if you wish visitors to the virtual directory to see the contents of the physical folder if there are no default documents to display.

5. Redirect to Exact URL
Enable redirect to exact URL where you want any file or folder paths visited within the virtual directory to be ignored and for the visitor to be sent directly to the URL only. If you disable this if a client goes to, then they will be redirected to automatically.

If a virtual directory is the correct way to go....can someone give some advice to how it should be setup with the Kentico site.

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kentico_pavelk - 9/11/2008 8:55:54 AM
RE:Custom Module - access other than from CMSDesk

If you want to create the virtual directory so that it will work with Kentico CMS correctly, please se our Developer's guide:

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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kentico_pavelk - 9/11/2008 5:19:16 AM
RE:Custom Module - access other than from CMSDesk

You can achieve this by creating custom webpart that will ensure functionality you want and set its Display To Roles property. If the user is logged on and is in specific role, then he can see the webpart.

You can find information how to create custom webparts in our Developer's guide:

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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ubo-hurontel.on - 9/11/2008 2:24:05 PM
RE:Custom Module - access other than from CMSDesk
I tried setting up a virtual directory on my account. However, after I transferred a very simple website to it (default.aspx, default.cs and web.config file) I had problems loading because the Kentico web.config in the root directory could find a file.

I did take a serious look at using webparts....but I would have to rewrite everything I have done to do that....

The support group at came up with a better solution for me. Every account is allowed two Domains. I have one site as a registered domain, let say and then they got me to setup a second domain called -- this is not a registered site (so no cost) but acts like and other http:// site. I will run Kentico for the site that is for external users and the second site for the internal manufacturing section.