ASPX templates
Version 3.x > ASPX templates > altering shopping cart page View modes: 
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rupert160 - 3/7/2008 12:16:05 AM
altering shopping cart page
is there any way to customise the shopping cart other than change the shopping cart template? eg are there some default templates we can use that we can toggle between? I was wanting to display images of the items on the wish list.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/7/2008 1:45:20 PM
RE:altering shopping cart page
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment.
In the next release 3.1 which should be soon, is the e-commerce improved also in the way of the design and layout and there should be new site template for E-shop with very nice design.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus