9/18/2008 10:03:45 AM
Recommended way to debug an aspx page
Hi to All,
Which is the recommended way to debug an aspx page using local IIS (not VS dev web server)?
Currently if I start debug it takes more than 3 minutes.
thx for answers
( ------ Build started: Project: http://localhost/KenticoCMS/, Configuration: Debug .NET ------ Validating Web Site Building directory '/KenticoCMS/CMSAdminControls/Calendar/'. Building directory '/KenticoCMS/CMSAdminControls/ColorPicker/'.
.... etc.... dozens of directories...
Building directory '/KenticoCMS/CMSWebParts/WebServices/'. Building directory '/KenticoCMS/'.
Validation Complete ========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========