ASPX templates
Version 3.x > ASPX templates > Printing Documents View modes: 
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goldfish - 4/14/2008 3:40:03 PM
Printing Documents

I've already asked support this question, but wondered if anyone else had any other suggestions.

Basically I have created a document which represents Case Studies on our website, and as well as displaying the contents on the screen, I would like to give users an option to Print.

There is obviously the Print option from within the browser, but this displays the page layout etc. I just want the contents of the document in a basic printable layout.

I don't want to have to have 2 versions of each case study as there are 80+ currently published.

Any suggestions or work arounds?



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/14/2008 8:22:47 AM
RE:Printing Documents
Hi Craig,

here you can find more information about printer friendly CSS styles -

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus